About Us
Our unique technology of developing Happy Mindset and Awareness Intelligence, the unity of which we call Responsible Happiness is based on Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, Biology, Economics, simplified Quantum Physics and The Philosophy of Mind. It is a holistic-, high ROI solution for the corporate, government and public education sector that rapidly improves human qualities and thus, their performance. Happy people do better.

Seal Josephson
Founder & CEO, Corporate Training Director
Our Vision and Mission
- • We support companies and trainers to make business human and create vibrant enterprises with happy, engaged & high loyal performers.
- • We promote the critical importance of training the happiness and awareness in ways that reduce individual and societal suffering.
- • We make the "human quality movement" as popular as SixSigma/Lean
- • We support organisations/communities in increasing the key-factors in workplaces that engages every employee, regardless of age, location or personality.
- • We give access to individual and society means for wellbeing, happiness and awareness training via our tools and programs.
- • We enable our Partners to train HR-Experts, Coaches and Consultants with our Training-System (HC Belt System) so they can: consult organisations, train in-house and public.
We believe in:
- • The human potential: with the right knowledge, training and conditions most people love to perform and learn.
- • Doing a good job is the best motivation and satisfaction for people.
- • A pragmatic, humanistic, rational, honest and integer approach
- • Strong, trustful relationship with our customers and partners
- • Continuous improvement and learning.