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Supercharge Professional Intuition
Intuition is a universal quality inherent in every being. By integrating it with our everyday consciousness, we can supercharge our professional intuition.

Shoot From The Hip - Professional Intuition In Decision-making According To The Spirit of our times
Intuition, when treated separately from the scientific definition, can be described as an inner voice, a sense of insight, a sense of anticipation, a sixth sense, a glimpse into the future, listening to our hearts, or even a spontaneous idea.

A Major Mistake CEOs Make | Aiming Only For The Meet Of Engagement From The Hamburger Of Happy Mindset
We compare human workplace-metrics as job contentment, engagement and employee well-being to different layers of a hamburger.

The 2 Simple Things Executives Need For Success
The two factors executives need are Awareness Intelligence (AQ) and Happy Mindset. Their unity is called Responsible Happiness.

How To Develop Executive Presence By Awareness Intelligence (AQ)?
To be able to change things for the better, one has to recognize them. Therefore, we often hear executives say, "if I have just recognized it" or "if I just have seen this ahead". Being attentive, aware, recognizing a situation is a key element in an executive's life.

How To Improve Happy Mindset, Our Tool To Make A Change?
To improve Happy Mindset, we have to transform that blocks us internally, and improve that makes us free, and enfold our qualities and capabilities.