00 – Introduction
From the Book: Professional Intuition In Decision-Making [We Shoot From the Hip]
00 – Introduction
00 – Introduction
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
—Albert Einstein [Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, CA]
„My wife called me and asked me not to board the plane, but to take the next one, as she really does not have a good feeling about it. Half an hour after I called her that everything is fine… We just had to take a routine landing without engines as the majority of the instrument panel stopped functioning.”
Who did not meet with such or similar cases? According to a recent study, more than 80 percent of decision-makers apply intuition often or very often. So, is intuition a mystical cloud incomprehensible to common sense, or is it a defining element of our reality? If it is a part of our reality, why shall we not understand it from a scientific perspective? Why would we not improve its quality, its accuracy?
Who doesn’t apply (professional) intuition?
According to a recent study, more than 83% of us apply professional intuition often or very often in our decision-making (37% often, 46% very often (!)). Apart from the fact that result immediately eliminates the myth that decisions are made only based on crunching numbers, it also diverts our focus from outer tools (as decision-making IT systems, market analysis data) to our own inner capabilities.
We want to find the answers about what intuition is and how it works. We want to get tools to improve and apply intuition both in our personal lives and in our decision-making.
Our aim is to have a sudden feeling of realization and have a red light blinking inside us when something is not round when analyze business indicators. We want to have a clear beam of light shining us from the future to just feel or spontaneously know in which direction to decide for perfect success.
We wish to find applicable knowledge and useful tools to develop our (professional) intuition to the level where it becomes a trustworthy companion in our decision-making process. With this gap filling book, we have a great opportunity to learn this with tiny effort compared to its benefits.
Do we all apply (professional) intuition?
Ladies and gentleman, we all would like to perfect this quality that was considered as a ‘superhuman quality’, but only till today. We can confidently say that, as recent science shows, that everyone is in possession of this inner potential, and that it can be perfected. With this, the myth, that intuition is a women’s privilege is also dissolved. Man and women both use intuition.
Based on the demographic data of those who provided this optionally (n=242) we may conclude that yes, women tend to use their intuition somewhat more frequently (‘very often‘ – dark green column on the chart – : men 39%, women 52%).
At the same time, the cumulated ratio of ‘often’ + ‘very often’ – white column on the chart – is very close to each other (men 84%, women 90%). This means that this second myth is also busted. Men listen to their intuition almost as often as women do.
Then why do we have this pre-concept? We can only assume. Are men usually expected to be more factual and women more emotionally engaging? It probably depends on the culture and the social climate we live in. In the middle ages and before that, men usually had to swing the sword and be ‘quite critically factual’ about it. Still, the martial arts fighters/ boxers/ people in special forces even today explain that they have to feel the enemy and catch their thoughts before they act. Over the millennia of development we walked through, women traditionally had to continuously feel what happened with their children and get to them when they felt something was not right. Because their bodies were not as robust as men’s, they had to use their brains and outsmart raw power. Today these roles are getting mixed – depending on the societies we live in -, still, what remains is that we all need both logic and intuition.
From this current survey, we finally know, that we all use our intuition often, which is not dependent on our gender. This is a human quality we all have that is worth nurturing and improvement.
Why is this author a good fit to write this book?
After doing his two bachelors at the same time this author got his first job at Canon, where – as the CEO said – he took over forty percent of the CEO’s tasks. Still, not until four years later in his second position, as a member of the board of Samsung he gained the real multinational experience.
It all started here. While he lead the major department of Samsung in three countries and achieved market share #1 all important product categories, he had to also experience the cost of it. Right in the beginning, the recruiter told him:”if you survive this place, you can survive any place.” She was right, and at that time she did not know, that in the korean Samsung HQ people call each other with military titles. Once, on a bright sunny day, after eliminating the arguments of few people with different ideas with factually powerful verbal reasoning, he went to the office kitchen to get a warm cappuccino. As he was walking back to his open-office desk – sitting close to the vice-president – a lightning-like thought glistered up is his mind. “Why are we killing each other here? Someone painted a dream-like target-number on our inner frontal lobe, and we are doing everything to achieve it like hunting dogs?” “We live to work or we work to live?
From that time on he did not take part in internal political games which were not win-win for both sides, not even for the request of his boss, the VP. Few months later, after almost four years at Samsung he found in his new position, leading NBCUniversal’s operations. Reporting for the London HQ, he was much freer in his decisions and with his time. He used this for his own personal development, and to start a snow-ball-like activity to benefit people.
He called twelve of his leader and entrepreneur friends in business, invited them to lounge cafe with a long table, placed a huge LCD TV at the end of the table and presented them his idea: let us create a human quality movement that makes life and work happier, while keeping the responsibility factor. The team grew, became international, and finally a team German, Danish, Swedish, British and Hungarian professionals. They had many many years of experience on their fields, with respected titles as MBA, PhD, PhD hc. They were led by Michael Fuchs, the founder of awareness intelligence concept, whom this author considers to be his mentor. The team put together the backbone of a leadership and culture development program called Responsible Happiness Development Program. The author placed the muscles and skin on the skeleton and dressed it up by fine-tuning the concepts and by creating the training material. He established the company Happiness Consulting to carry this activity, that soon grew to Happiness Guardian Holding thanks to the gratitude of organizational leaders and human resources directors.
While testing the opportunities to open in ASEAN countries in cooperation with the adult institute of Open University Malaysia an Indian leadership trainer Masilamany Ramasamy suggested to write down the know-how in a form of a book. Finding this a good idea, the author organized a contract with a Florida/US based publisher. He wrote the manuscript, submitted it for the first editorial round, but this is when another lightning-like happened. As he was staying more than one year in Germany to do some mind-development learning and to round up the Responsible Happiness method he got into a good friendship with a psychologist, who was working at a Bavarian psychiatry & rehabilitation clinic which recovered several CEOs. He asked this psychologist lady to provide an opinion about his manuscript. Sabine expressed her kind opinion, that this is really a unique, above-the-top Michelin quality recipe to improve leaders and culture, still, it is is vastness she does not feel “the kick” about which a CEO can say: “yesss, THIS is the really cool and unique thing that I get”. It is not easy to pick out one dish from a royal table, as everything tastes phenomenal. This respective author understood the message. Although it looked very simple dish like an omelette he picked out the pinnacle of the dishes, professional intuition. ‘Let this be followed’ – he thought. So, he drew a line, rewrote the whole book from scratch and titled metaphorically ‘the best omelette of the world served with additional royal side-dishes’, ‘Shoot From The Hip – Professional Intuition In Decision-Making’.
The additional research went very easy and fast due to his more than twenty years of regular meditation practice. Reading and walking through an additional few hundred books went fast – alone the philosophy article includes the essence of 78 books read and additional 318 walked through -. It takes some energy and few years, still, it is easy to proceed, when one has the motivation to help others. When one reached at least a half step further in a certain topic than others, one can help others start taking the next one.
This way, the multinational business leadership experience of an international team of experts, several books, countless researches selected, the many years of training and coaching experience of developing human happiness and awareness in leadership and organizational culture, and more than twenty years of regular meditation experience merged in this very book. The kind reader gets a bucket of gold value for a small price.
This is not just a metaphor. The worldwide utilization value of the content of this book was officially valuated by an independent valuation expert. It says, that in case only 1 percent of the worldwide businesses would implement the content of this book in their leadership and culture, it would result a level of worldwide growth, that in case we take only its 1 percent as the sales value of this integrative invention-system, it would worth $84B (yes, 84 billion USD). We will get this value utilized on the financial markets further on, still, this is also, what the kind reader gets, for a price of a book.
So, what is (professional) intuition and why we need it?
Intuition in general, when discussed separately from the scientific definition, intuition can be described as an inner voice, a sense of spontaneous insight, a sense of anticipation, a natural sixth sense we all have, a mystically “cloud-derived” ability, a glimpse into the future, listening to our hearts, a surprising “aha” moment, eye-opening information out of the blue, or even as a spontaneous inner feeling, thought or idea that reveals something to us that we have not known before.
When talking about its use in leadership, decision-making, and all-in-all at the workplace, it manifests as professional intuition. From this perspective, it is mainly connected to what we do for a living. It explains our ability to figure out the full picture of the truth from small parts, signs, bits and pieces of “bread crumbs”. It aims to be able to tell what will happen in case of different decisions we may take connected to our work.
This article series explains and helps to develop both overall intuition and professional intuition.
We will have spontaneous, intuitive knowledge, not many have around us. People can’t lie to us; our success grows due to the more accurate, precise decisions we make then we made before.
While reading this article series, we will probably be sharing this with those we love and care for because we wish them to have a more meaningful life, human quality improvement, connections, and probably material/ financial growth as well.
How did we came to the conclusion to simplify complexity with intuition?
Many people have similar or the same world-saving intentions as this sincere author. Most probably, the kind reader has this in the back of her/his mind as well. We want to do something good for us all. We want to take responsibility for the progressive development of our society and our shared future. With this in mind, most of us reading this article-series accumulated a wide range of knowledge that allows us to step-by-step fulfill this endeavor. Everyone has their own plan. Sometimes, fulfillment happens with a spontaneous jump; sometimes, it follows a stairway-like plan.
On the one hand, we may expand our knowledge of areas that improve our outer skills, like organization methods, project management, lean, etc. On the other hand, we may turn inwards and improve our human qualities essential in leadership. People look up only to those with better qualities, from whom they can learn from. People want to learn from their bosses; therefore, they want/ accept only those leaders they can learn from.
The more comprehensive our inner and outer perspective is the broader aspects of decisions we can consider to make confidently.
Our integrative approach towards the knowledge we gathered has slowly evolved. It has become a prerequisite for understanding the essence of complex-, multi-factor-, multi-disciplinary structures, comparing their features, information, and benefits into a strategically inclusive solution. Meeting the needs of these evolving leadership trends, Integrative Systems Thinking has become a new-, independent-, supportive science.
Integrative Systems Thinking says that it is worth examining every single effecting factor that can influence our decision in any way. Outer and inner elements, both. In the field of analysis and leadership decisions, it expands our interest towards aspects that have not been considered till now. In the area of leadership, human/HR strategy, and in decision-making overall, it gives a greater insight into the “chemistry” of human connections, i.e., analyzing the quality of personal and community sympathy, team spirit, the feeling of working together (morphogenetic fields), and broadens our interest in the direction of emerging emotions and insights (intuition). As our interest and wisdom expanded beyond the compulsory knowledge, we more and more admired the advocates who, while not only thinking in everyday conceptual or intellectual structures, devoted considerable time to develop and interpret their revolutionary ideas of synthesis, coherence, non-duality, holism, and totality that resulted in their life and professional activities work better. We admire those who inspire and help us.
We did not mention the recently revealed documents of different national security bodies from the USA to Russia and other parts of the world that show: each strong nation had and has at least a program to improve remote sighting to support military or political leadership with their intuitive insights.We either arrive to the topic of intuition from the scientific-, technological-, cinematic entertainment-, military-, or the ‘inner’ philosophical directions, one thing is for sure: intuition is reality. It is not only in the movies. We have it, we use it – 80 percent of us often or very often -, and we can develop it.
Maybe because this sincere author watched too many sci-fi movies and read too much from Stephen Hawking’s works, he would like to propose the following with this mindset.
Just as we see in specific cinematic arts of experience, in some civilizations, citizens acquire doctorate-level knowledge in each primary subject of science that exists. Similarly, we humans can copy the same. We could extract the integrative essence of the different science fields to avoid having the situation that “the left hand does not know what the right hand does”. Just as integrative thinking helped the different health sectors communicate with each other (e.g., parasitology with gastroenterology, cardiology, and dietetics) to come to a joint solution in healing, we may come to a conclusion as well in terms of understanding intuition based on the different scientific areas.
Thus, we will dive into the main sciences we selected: Economics, Quantum Physics, Biology, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, and Healthy Sustainability (Well-being). It may turn out that all the listed approaches of mental tendencies point to the same universal essence. Like following any of the five fingers of our hand brings us to our palm, we may arrive at the same conclusion, any of the scientific fields we prefer to follow.
Many of us want to know right now, what this same universal essence is. We are interested in the meat of the hamburger, not the salad.
The universal essence is that the nature of reality- the world we experience is entirely interconnected by electromagnetic fields that manifest from space. Ultimately, everything springs out/manifests from our own mental tendencies. And finally, everything-, even our consciousness has a space-like property that enables things to appear. This includes both outer phenomena and inner tendencies.
Professional intuition needs work-experience and learning; still, the only and main criteria to understand and enfold our pure intuition is nothing else than understanding this space-nature.
What is the strategy we apply to improve professional intuition?
To improve our intuition, we first improve our awareness intelligence (AQ), which is the mother of our precious insight. Interestingly, by improving awareness, we improve our happy mindset as well. From a professional perspective, happy mindset is built on the concrete basis of understanding human value systems – to understand people better and to be able to interact/ communicate with different types of people better -. When we get to a workplace, this is what we bring from home or from other social environments. Then we get to know and get used to the complex system, work processes, and tools, and develop a certain (job) satisfaction. When we are satisfied, we tend to sit happily in our chairs. This does not involve too much development, neither for the company nor for our career. When we start to have the internal or external motivation, we get up from our chair and start adding a “plus” to the job. This means that we do a bit more than expected. We give extra time, effort, ideas, etc., by actively getting engaged in our job. We dive into it more. This is when things get exciting. As more and more things happen, and as we take part/ start more and more projects, we need to handle them more efficiently. We experience that processing information in a mechanical way – analyzing market information line by line, reading lengthy reports line by line – takes too much time.
At that time, we may feel in our gut that we need to develop a skill that can sum the information up and simplify it to its core. When we switch from the details to the big picture, we create space around us and, at the same time, become more effective. We can lead easier and be freer. Anyway, we see that the activity can be sustained only by adding well-being elements to it. Physical/ physiological well-being (health), social/ interpersonal well-being (relationships), and mental/ psychological well-being (mental health) become essential to improve. When we rock on each of these levels, we can not avoid being happy at the end. This bottom-up method of developing a happy mindset is the most efficient to apply in a working environment.
Simultaneously, to improve in the above, we need awareness: inner awareness and outer awareness. When getting more aware of the physical/ physiological level, we can get our bodies healthier and better our surroundings. By improving social/ interpersonal awareness, our relationships get better. By developing process/ tendency awareness, we can better wrap up complex information and understand the leading strategic tendencies in our workplace, industry, and the world. Going deeper, we may as well improve our style of focus – the way we experience the world. This is our view – we might say -, the interplay of our inner projector’s pictures and the movie we experience with our perception. All thoughts, feelings, and perceptual impulses are related to this. Here we talk about the more and more enfolding-, more frequently appearing experience of (professional) intuition.
To catch this, we need awareness. Another fancy word for awareness is executive presence; when the executive is in the here-and-now while he conducts the operation.
When we develop a happy mindset, our awareness intelligence improves; when we focus on enhancing awareness, our happy mindset naturally enfolds. Our responsible happiness, the unity of happy mindset, and awareness intelligence improve no matter which direction we choose. It is like having two supporting side-channels on the two sides of our backbones. We can also imagine it with the example of carrying a heavy bucket. When holding it with the right hand, we need to balance with the left, and vice versa.
This article series will improve our awareness intelligence, especially our view, to understand and enhance (professional) intuition. First, we get information to exactly know what we are doing, how it works – and by the way to be able to tell or reason to our life family, neighbor, colleague, or boss why and what we are doing -. Then we get to know different methods to develop it. And foremost, we may practice it ourselves.
Questions this book answers:
Where does intuition come from?
How does intuition work physically?
Which organs are associated with intuition?
What does intuition mean and feel like?
How does intuition help in everyday decision-making?
Why is professional intuition the most reasonable approach for economic decisions?
When is intuition right or wrong?
Why is intuition important in our everyday life and workplace?
How can we apply intuition for our social benefit?
Are intuition and perception the same?
Benefits we get from this book:
When you are done reading this book, you will have the following:
KNOWLEDGE of professors
We will
exactly know the science of (professional) intuition from many perspective, so you will be able to argument about it like a pro
know exactly how to develop it at the workplace and at home
TOOLS of leading mind-trainers
We will
have practical ideas to change the habit of stress and anxiety to happiness and happy mindset
have downloadable tools that help you develop it
improve your awareness intelligence (AQ) & happy mindset
With practice we will
recognize intuition, trust it and rely on it
be making decisions/ lead easier
live freer
make our lives and other’s lives lighter
feel situations, and what people feel
see through everything and know the truth in all situations
change the habit of stress and anxiety to happiness and happy mindset
be able to carry on this valuable knowledge and you can earn with it as a teacher, trainer, or coach
by learning how to shoot from the hip.
How is this book organized?
This article series is organized in parts and chapters as it will be printed as a book as soon as it is finished.
Part I.
How (professional) intuition works from SCIENTIFIC point of view?
Intuition is a factor that pervades almost every area of our lives. First, we highlight some of the factors that are considered relevant to the topic, to have a multi-sided intellectual approach about it. In this series of articles we first take a look into how intuition interweaves the fields of economics, physics, biology, psychology, philosophy and psychology. This helps us to create a solid basis of understanding on why and how intuition works and why it it the highest form of intelligence in business decision-making.
Part II.
Developing intuition – What are the best tools to develop Intuition?
In Part II. Of the book, we learn how we may develop this mental capacity to an automated level skill, similar to the other skills. How to get prepared for decisions that require professional intuition? We get practices on all levels; intellectual-, mental energy., and mind-nature levels.