We measure and improve responsible happiness
Happiness Consulting helps leaders to improve the well-being of their people-, their community-, or their nation by facilitating a happier and more aware workplace climate/ culture. By measuring and improving responsible happiness it is inevitable to experience sustainable growth in happiness, well-being, and also in the company’s financial bottom line – the operational income and the profitability -, as well as in the HR KPIs.
Lead easier, live freer!
Our Story
Greetings, dear Visitor!
I’m Seal Josephson, the founder of Happiness Consulting. Let me share our story with you briefly.
The concept of Happiness Consulting formed in me in 2008, when I felt that I had enough of spending my valuable years working for multinational companies – Canon, Samsung, NBCUniversal – as a member of the board of directors.
I invited the similarly thinking leader friends to a lounge bar and we started to work together on the concept.
This was the time when I realized, that in order to build a responsible consulting company even the leaders of multinational companies have to learn a lot. Therefore I trusted my mental and professional development to the mentoring of the German leadership coach Michael Fuchs, who is internationally well known for his great skills and knowledge. During the one and a half years I spent in Germany, and with an international team of specialists (MBAs, PhDs) Michael involved we developed the titan skeleton of Happiness consulting, including its measurement and improvement strategy.
In this, the awareness intelligence (AQ) column originates from Michael, and I formulated the happy mindset column. The union of these two we call responsible happiness. We tested the strategy in adult learning institutes e.g. in Malaysian universities organized by IPD-OUM, at large organizations, and government responsible before we started our activity in Europe. After forming the strategy and testing the concept, I could do the work of placing the meat, blood, and skin on the skeleton – to create the (online) questionnaires, reports, presentations, training material, and similar.
The power of the new knowledge, the happiness of the new point of view, and the thankfulness resulting from the methods applied can be seen in the eyes of our consulted clients and the training participants.
Meanwhile, due to the demand that appeared, we opened our know-how to consultants and agencies interested in taking over and internalizing our know-how. Today, our consulting firm operates as a worldwide brand franchise. Our trainers have taken part in the one-year green-belt training program. Thus, they studied dozens of books, research, articles, and audio and video material, and finally passed the belt test. They tried and applied the methods we teach continuously to themselves. As our franchise partners, they all have the right to independently and freely choose from the client requests we receive centrally, based on their subjective or objective preferences. We also support professional intuition as a decision-making tool, as more than 80 percent of leaders apply it.
It is worth mentioning that if your organization does not serve a nature-given positive cause, e.g., supports the deep state or any other non-legitimate terrorist-like organization, it tries to enforce its interests by violent manners, or possibly applies a hidden lobbying activity, then there is a great chance that it won’t pass the client-valuation process of our consultants as we feel responsible for our clients. Also, we can only support or help those organizations or governments that let the decision about vaccination be taken freely by their people.
On the other hand, in case your organization serves the positive development of the community or can benefit many people, then our consultants may provide you a very affordable offer package, instead of the quite premium package we apply as business usual.
May we help many to lead easier, live happier, and freer!
Best wishes,
Seal Josephson, Ph.D. hc.
Vision, and the rest
We imagine a world – and workplaces – in which all beings live in peace and understanding. A world in which everyone has high physical, social and mental well-being. Everyone is happy and aware. Positivity, optimism, and parasympathetic processes dominate living. The motivation of every being is not selfish, but to help others. This refers to both living and working. All jobs are done according to the way promised, as people feel responsible for what they do think, and say.
We feel, that it is our duty to help society and individuals reach the state mentioned in our Vision statement. We feel, that none of the existing trainer and consulting companies have accumulated the knowledge that is required to achieve this state. We do this by working on the levels of organizations, education, and government, to gain a real momentum of change.
Our core values are positive actions that lead to happiness, awareness of inner and outer factors that enfold in responsibility, and finally lead to all-encompassing wisdom of professional intuition. Along the path, we see, that people take a journey along the different value systems (as spiral dynamics describes them). Our aim is to first transform negativity into positivity – to make a shift from the ‘dark side’ to the ‘bright side’-. Only then we improve leaders’ skills to become masters of responsible happiness. As we see, the current spiral dynamics explanation of value-systems are not full, we extended it and rounded it up, by spiral dynamics extended (SDx), to lead people to a focused and fast development.
Strategy & Tactics
We believe and see, that happy people are doing better, perform better, and are more successful, in a healthy and sustainable way. Therefore, we believe in the Human Quality Movement, and act along its principles.
Happiness Consulting helps to improve Happiness factors – the key element of Human Quality Movement – by performing Happiness Improvement Programs that apply Happy Mindset and Awareness Intelligence (AQ).
We offer evidence-based and specifically designed training programs and public training to improve contentment, engagement, leadership performance, sustainability, well-being, happiness, and the company culture. Through comprehensive leadership training and consulting, we design and implement an organizational experience that enables the enhancement and positive change.
Master Black Belt Consultants of Happiness Consulting shows the qualities of both the joyful and the sage archetype – described by CG Jung -, mastering their life and work. On one hand, they inspire optimism and positivity, on the other hand, they provide scientific know-how drawn from all major fields of science to support it.
They have the ability to assist and help you in a personalized way. They perform tailor-made training based on assessments. responsible for positivity, happiness, and better performance. Due to the depth of their training, they are polyhistors of health and body processes, the meaning of symbols we face in our daily life, complexity theories like systems thinking and adaptive systems, neuroscience, epigenetics, philosophy, healing traumas, measuring and analyzing happiness factors, mind-material related parts of quantum physics, frequencies and vibrations, positive psychology and performing mental entrainment. They deeply understand the essence and power of positivity, human values, morality, and happy human existence. They face non-positivity, reveal it, and dissolve it without any political correctness – as you would expect it from a friend that is protecting you. With keeping their good motivation they even show you the way to transform negativity into positivity inside yourself and outside in the world. Black Belts Consultants of Happiness Consulting have closely the same qualities.
The Consulting Agency Partners Happiness Consulting and Individual trainers may obtain the Green Belt levels of happiness certificate that entitles them to provide Happy Mindset 1 and 2 standardized trainings.
We are an international team, working as one entity.
Happiness Consulting
- supplies knowledge and tools for sustainable happiness
- improves the level of contentment, engagement, loyalty
- results in performance increase and growth
- enhances the level of physical-, social- and mental well-being
- develops a happier company culture by the
- improves the mindset of responsibility, by enhancing awareness intelligence
by using well-known, well-proved, and widely used tools AND adding on our unique assessments delivered by our tailor-made Responsible Happiness Improvement Program.